Wirasat Team

Athar Hussain

is an amazing web developer who has always been known for his keen eye for detail and fresh ideas for online creative designs. He is technically sharp with an interest in creating consistent user experiences and typically takes clients’ dreams and turns them into magnificent websites. Through teamwork, he can form lasting bonds with customers thus ascertaining he is aware of what they want specifically as well as what they aim to achieve.

Throughout the project, Athar is committed to keeping the communication lines open, providing regular updates, and incorporating feedback to get the best results. His dedication to excellence not only leads to quality deliverables; it also helps build trust with customers thus making him an important person within the Wirasat team.

Our portfolio includes some of the country's best developmental projects. All these projects are backed by NOC-approved properties and are ideal for investment and secure living.

  • Clients | 300 +
  • Experience: | 5-Years +
  • Expertise: | Web Development And SMM 
  • Location | Islamabad, Pakistan
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Athar Hussain

Senior Web Developer | SMM

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