Wirasat Team

Kashaf Naz Abbasi

Is a Senior Sales Executive at Wirasat and she is highly regarded in her industry. Kashaf’s professionalism and sincere passion had a lasting impact from the first day of joining. She took it upon herself to comprehend everything about our needs and difficulties to come up with recommendations that not only made sense but also worked perfectly well at all times.

With outstandingly effective means of passing information across, she ensured that all our customers felt as though they were members of us throughout this whole thing bearing it together.

She was always committed to success, as she made every effort to satisfy the client's needs. She made it possible for Wirasat to attain its goals and also became a catalyst for the sense of partnership.

  • Clients | 1000 +
  • Experience: | 4-Years +
  • Expertise: | Real Estate Market
  • Location | Islamabad, Pakistan
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Kashaf Naz Abbasi

Senior Sales Consultant

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